Best World War II Aircraft?

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On a more positive note, the Germans would have been credited with wiping out tooth decay and gingivitis.

Now that right there is damn funny.

I vote for the Boomerang.

Not the plane, the Aussi Aboriginy Boomerang, if made of steel and thrown at low level attacking planes it probably would have bought down more than any bullets.

And it was flying / killing centuries before a P-51, or FW-190.

If you ever want to try hitting a red kangaroo at full speed with a rifle, it will just p!ss you off and waste ammo.

The little Abbo tracker beside you pees his pants laughing, pulls his stick out and snots the damn thing at 120 metres (paced out). A wee tad embarassing.
i must admit i do find the aboriginies quite interesting, i myself play a bit of Digeridoo and the boomerang truely is a wonderful weapon but only in skilled hands, westerners don't have a chance with one............
only because we know how decent comedy looking at most of your sitcoms it's amazing you guys know what comedy, someone walks in in an absurd outfit which they write a stupid story line around and out comes the rediculously canned laughter, Fawlty Towers, The two ronnies, porridge, Open all hours now that's comedy.........
What the hell are you talking about Lanc. You have not taste what so ever at all if you think that Friends, King of Queens, and stuff like that is not funny!

There are some great comedy shows that come out of the States. Just because they come from the other side of the pond does not make them terrible.
friends i don't mind so much and American Dad and Family Guy are great, but the last two are also cartoons most of the sitcoms they show over here aren't funny in the least, give me The Two Ronnies anyday, some of the funniest shows ever..........
Lanc they are not funny because you do not understand the Humor just like most Americans dont understand British Humor.

British Humor is very dry, US humor is not. It is more straight to the point.

Just because you do not understand something does not make it bad. That is the kind of attitude I expect from the other side of the pond. No offense intended to my fellow friends from the other side of the pond.
the fact i may not understand the humour doesn't change the fact they're not funny to me, yeah obviously the americans find funny outfits and canned laughter funny but it just doesn't do it for me..........
My favorite show growing up was Married with children. Admittedly one of the worst shows ever - but i still love it!

All in the family was good too - but it bothered me with the political undertones making the traditional conservative, Archie, seem like a raging idiot compared to his daughter and her husband the new age smarter and wiser progressives.
There are a lot more American sitcoms than British ones, so obviously it would seem that there are more bad ones, but the ratio is about the same. I do prefer British sitcoms though, Friends is hilarious and King of Queens is ok but theyre the only 2 ill really make a point of watching. My personal favourites are Dads Army, 'Allo 'Allo and I'm Alan Partridge.
Which plane had the most impact on the course of the war? That's the relevant comparison.

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