I dont know th exact ROF for the Garand, but for the Lee Enfield, the fastest bolt action ever made, typically it was 10 rpm, with a maximum achieved under combat conditions at Mons in 1914, of 15 rpm. Thats aimed fire incidentally.
The record for the Lee Enfield was 38 aimed rounds per minute:
"The all time aimed fire record with a bolt action rifle was by Sgt. Snoxall of the British army, 38 hits on a 12" bull at 300 yards in 1 minute. "
See the comment by T Stahl:
A week ago I tested myself and my No.4 in a "modified" Lord Roberts match (10cm target at 50m instead of 24" at 300yds). I managed to shoot 19 rounds and score 17 hits. And it was only my second attempt at the "mad minute".
Rate of fire for bolt action [Archive] - THR