Boeing Out For New Canadian Fighter

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Aside from fiduciary duty, which one you liking FLYBOYJ?
Well if you're looking to stretch dollars up front I would have to say the JAS 39. For versatility and a return on investment, the F-35. The specific mission of this aircraft also has to be identified to meet Canada's defense needs. Remember, Canada was an original partner of the F-35 program but balked on the purchase when the Harper and now Trudeau government balked on the perceived cost and all the negative BS that followed the F-35 from the beginning. If Canada buys the F-35 there is no doubt the Canadian aircraft industry will see plenty of subcontract work, not only to support their purchase but the entire F-35 program.

The JAS 39 is an excellent aircraft but there are many things the F-35 can do that the JAS can't. I also don't see SAAB matching the offset incentives that will come with Canada buying the F-35. What I haven't seen is what version of the F-35 is Canada looking to purchase, I'm assuming the F-35A.

There are many features and weapons systems on the F-35 that I know are still classified, once released I think the detractors will finally have their mouths shut!

As of September, more than 700 F-35s have been delivered to customers worldwide, and the three variants have amassed more than 430,000 flight hours.
I've read many negatives about the F-35. Just never seems to be written by pilots.
Yep, and by people who don't know or understand the aircraft, there are some who never recognized that there are 3 versions of the F-35! The program was not perfect and there were many mistakes made by LMCO AND the Pentagon, but in the end I think we have a very capable weapons system. There have been pilots who have flown this aircraft and have now retied from active duty and little if any negative comments have been made by them.

Going back to the OP's article - Canada may be in a good place as now the program matured to the point where the production lines are rolling, but at the same time may be behind the 8 ball as much of the subcontract work may have been already awarded (at least on the US production lines)
On the Military Aviation History YouTube channel, there was a vid on why Canada wasn't going to buy the F-35. I think the host was in the F-35 camp. It was posted a while ago.
Maybe follow Australia's lead and get both the F-35 and Super Hornet?
That would be the optimum choice if Canada can afford it. Both aircraft have multi-role capabilities but I would lean more using the F/A-18 in an air-to-air role and use the F-35 for what it was intended for - a strike aircraft.

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