My point was that A-36 was way faster than any dive bomber fielded; it was faster than many fighters in 1942/43. While it's true that in bombed-up state the speed was down, it rook the interceptors being at just the right spot, if they were to score kills. If not, A-36s will bomb the targets and retreat.
With USAAC employing A-24s ( variant of the Douglas SBD Dauntless), for example, in such tasks, the defending fighters would've had far easier time to catch them.
Hi, Vicenzo
The table from Mike's site declares the figures as 'guaranteed/estimated' - the serial produced planes will achieve at least as good performance as stated there (we could expect better, then). In other words, the table is not a result of USAAC tests.
wait, the first collumn are estiamted the 2nd guaranteed, and it's possible that stime are optimistic (it's not so uncommon), the guarantees speed are 328 and 350 mph and this are for clean plane, estimated with bomb racks (w/o bombs) are 337 and 356 mph, with 500 lbs bombs are 305 and 332 mph. sure it's fast at low, like the P-51 with Allison.