Box art.....

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Ah! Now I know what they are! I'm never any good with the lesser known 'numbers'!
Does look rather good, the Spitfire jigsaw, doesn't it? Close up, or square-on to the picture, you can't really tell it's a jigsaw puzzle; only at an angle. I was stunned when I was presented with it in the pub, and it's b****y heavy!
Being so large in the frame, I had to find somewhere to put it, where it would compliment my own paintings. The stairwell is ideal, as it can be seen as soon as anyone stands near there, or climbs the stairs.
I think it was a Goshawk that featured in a fantastic deck-top diorama, in 1/32nd scale, in a British modelling mag a year or so ago. Some fantastic detailing and scratch-building. I wonder if it would be 'legal' to post a pic from the mag?
Glad I'm not the only goofball that folds the boxes and keeps the tops. Pre-wife asks 'why?' and I just shrug.

Anybody also have any of the extras they used to or still put with the models? I'm talking like baseball cards or I even have cloth patches of the models I was working on.
Box art still has an influence on me when I buy a kit!

I started out building 1/72 Matchbox kits when I was about 8, they had great box art, don't know who the artist was.

I could never get my models to look as cool as the bird on the box though!

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