Firstly, Terry I reckon that you were spot on with your identification of the hub covers. I have managed to track down some other shots of Spitfires with these 'wheels' and I can't see that they could be anything else. I have also found a 1/32 resin set of of wheels with the wheel hubs on from Grey Matter Figures in the UK which I intend to order but in order to finish the build I will use the kit wheels, which can be replaced later. Terry, I also just found your PM and I will respond to that separately.
I am now going to declare this aircraft build finished. I do intend to build it into a diorama but that still has to be commenced. Since my last post, I attached the undercarriage, exhausts and spinner. I then sealed the decals with a couple of coats of Klear and enhanced the panel lines with an oil wash - diluted burnt umber on the undersides and a darker mix on the top surfaces, left to dry for half an hour then wiped with kitchen towel in the direction of airflow. Having sealed that, I then applied weathering and staining with more diluted oil paints, For the grey undersides, a mix of burnt umber and lamp black and a darker mixture for the camouflaged surfaces. These were then enhanced with ground black and grey pastels for the gun stains and for the exhaust stains also. I then added some paint chipping with a Prismacolor pencil (or similar) and some Citadel Boltgun Metal and Chainmail. Finally, everything got a final coat of varnish - a mix of Satin and Matt, after which the delicate pieces, such as the aerials, mirror and the pitot tube were added. The removable panels have been tacked into place with PVA, as has the starboard exhaust. This would allow me to display them, and the engine cowling closed in future, should I choose to.
Rather than waffle on I will post the final photos and let you decide what you think.
Here are some other more detailed shots:
Finally, I had a go at trying to match the angle of the shot below to the original reference photo. Looks pretty close, I think.
Hope you enjoy and thanks for looking. I will of course post some shots of the final diorama, should it work out.
Cheers, Gerry