Brewster Buccaneer Wreck (Pt Loma -- 280 fsw)

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May 3, 2022
Santa came early and Tyler Stalter had done it again!

The Brewster Buccaneer was a miserable failure as a WW II aircraft; however, that doesn't mean it isn't an amazing airplane to dive!

We are very sure that we have identified a Buccaneer deep off of Pt Loma. There are a number of characteristics which allowed us to make the identification. We have identified the variant, but we have NOT been able to identify the specific Bureau Number. The records for Buccaneer crashes are basically non-existent.

It is a pretty rare airplane with only two aircraft still in existence so I figured the folks here would really like this one.

The whole story along with a photogrammetry model (yes, at 280 feet deep) along with a ton of photos and information on how we made the identification is posted at the link below:

Here is a screen capture of the 3D photogrammetry model:


You can see that she is covered in beautiful white metridiums.

You can explore the 3D model at this link:


- brett
I saw the Buc at Pensacola, rather impressive given the bad aura around it.

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