Brewster Buffalo B339 (Tamiya, 1/48)

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Airman 1st Class
Apr 9, 2012
Zagreb, Croatia
Ok guys, time to new kit
Started it 2 days ago, yesterday having day off from builds...

And this evening work:

cockpit is drybrushed, washed, picked out some details (knobs, throttle levelers)... seat belts are home made by me

Everything is glue into fuselage... thx to my wife big nails I got some great sanders


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everything is glued and so far almost perfect fit... mybe few spots for putty but nothing to tell about... let say all is perfect so far


thx guys...
I still deciding RAF or Dutch... booth are nice... RAF because black/grey belly and Dutch because alu belly and those orange triangles "roundels"

masking of canopies is finished... al evening doing with canopy... from maskin till glueing...
I had little mishap also... canopy who is for British, Netherlands version is in garbage... I have manage to turn over little bottle where I have nitro for AB cleaning... and of course canopy got own portion of nitro...
Luckely in box was second canopy, but this one is for USAF version with hole in windsheald... for these telescopic aiming device.
I try to fix that hole, hopefully I have manage to do something, but little is visible edge of the hole under new windshield panel what I made for cover the hole ( trasparent plastic folie).
Another problem is that that I cut off all antenas, another type of pilot seat is inside cockpit and cannot do USAF version...

Well, I will finished kit... with or without visible hole under new panel of windsheald...

Masking and all preparation for painting is over...


thx guys
usually that is my tempo... over the day I'm working arround 6-8 hrs on model, almost every day... because now I'm on my free days from job...
Working on oil drilling rigs offshore / onshore in rotation 1 month / 1 month..., and when I am at home have plenty of time to work on my kits

Vajled do a Japanese Buff. Like I'll be doing I love that kit I think I have like 4 or 5 of them

Theres also a couple aftermarket Canopys to pose it open and Aftermarket sets from Eduard you could get for her
3 times I have try to get on pictures nice colors how they are seen with bare eye...
it looks like there are 2 brown color
but up they are. grenish gray and brown earth booth from revell acrilyc...
equivalent for RAF dark green and brown via The Ultimate Model Paint Conversion Chart



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