Absolutely fantastic Aaron. You have been holding out on us, you have been going to Photo College haven't you? Great shots buddy, paint job is great to mate.
Went back to Ivanhoe last night. The didn't get as crazy as they got last year. A friend of mine has been telling me about this little girl who pulls in the larger diesel pickup classes, well she was there last night. Her father got her into this sport a few years ago and has three trucks. His is a 2,000 horse truck, his wife's in I'm not sure of, and his daughter's is 1,200 horse. Well, last night he put his daughter in his truck. Now, she's 17 years old, and does a fine job of embarrassing the guys in the sport and you are liable to see her the NTPA in a couple of years. Here are a few shots of her first pull in her dad's MONSTER. Oh, and don't get any ideas, her dad and Smith and Wesson keep a very watchful eye on her. That's him in the black T shirt and jeans to the right of the truck in the last few shots. And you will notice that the truck is out of focus in the first part of the sequence. At first I thought it was because of me being unsteady, it's not. She was moving at almost 55 mph and in the dark the camera just could not keep up with the focus. Sorry.
I would be curious to know how much diesel it's burnign in a pass. With 2,000 horsepower the torque is somewhere in the neighborhood of 3,500 foot pounds.
Great shots Aaron, I especially like the barn shots, you made my day. The middle one is what they call a quilt barn. I've seen several of them on line in the quilt circuit. They have some really great designs on them. Thanks for posting.
One of our customers has finished building his car. A 69' Oldsmobile 442. The only real work we did was the body and paint. We may have cleaned up the frame but that was at the other shop so I can't say for sure. I will say this. It is the slickest car we have ever done bar none. So, without further ado.
Thank you guys. Neil, as far as actually shooting, black is by far the easiest to shoot, white being the hardest. Now, you have to make sure the body is perfect because black makes it easier to see the blemishes.