Butt-ugly airplanes (1 Viewer)

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Then you are forgetting about the Fokker G.1, which was allready available in 1936. Even before the FW-189.

You just have to admit that the P-38 was a good copy with the techniques learned from the G.1 that was tested by the RAF and other things learned in the years after that. And still it took until the J version to get a succesfull fighter. The first series had a lot of serious problems, where the Fokker G.1 was known as the secondbest allied fighter in 1940 (after the Spitfire) 8)
Most of the Early WW2 Bombers look to be built by someone who was at home making boxes. A lot of them seem to look very rectangular and not at all like a cylinder, which is what the B-29 looks more like to me.
Maybe the Russian Plane is being hidden, to prevent its own side mistaking it for a target plane. It is ugly enough after all. What pilot wouldn't want to have a go at it?

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