Calgary's Hurricane on the Move

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Excellent, and well done on the colour scheme drawings Andy.
One question, although I might have missed something - the drawings show what I presume is Ocean Grey, whilst the profile shows Dark Earth.
Is this for clarity in the drawings, or were there two schemes worn by this particular aircraft, with the profile depicting the earlier scheme ?
The drawing colours are not representative Terry as I had to turn down the saturation so that panel lines and stencils would show. That turned the dark earth very grey and has confused more than one person. The actaul colours will be the Canadian versions of the RAF Temperate Land Scheme.
That's awesome! Does my heart good to see old warbirds being restored. Wasnt to long ago I believed that all or at least almost all the restorable airframes must have already been restored and the few examples we had of most ww2 vintage aircraft was all we would ever have save maybe the rare aditions here and there. Happily, it seems I was wrong.
Terry, I'm anxious to see the colours go on since I had a hand in specifying the mix ratios. I'm also anxious to get back to my work bench to replicate this specimen in miniature but it still won't be for some time.

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