California Rights Group Wants Target to Pull "Illegal Alien" Halloween Costume

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Senior Master Sergeant
Mar 18, 2007
Jersey Shore, USA


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Sick thing is, I bet California actually follows thru and bans th costume. Then ofcourse, the syncophants Oregon and Washington State will be compelled to follow suit.
Yeah, it's a good one, but for an extra five bucks you can upgrade to 'Gangsta Rapper'.

It comes with a toy Glock that you can brandish sideways over your head when that cheap ho' tries to shoo you off her porch with one measly little candy kiss...


Only thing better would be a simulated nickel plated Smith, complete with simulated mother-of-pearl handles!
Nice costumes Les. :lol: Which one are you thinking about dressing your kid up in?

As for all the complaints, jeez its just a costume... if you don't like it, don't buy it. If there not selling, they will stop making them. Saves going through a lot of red tape. :rolleyes:
Sorry for anyone who lives in California.
Last year I got some face paint and fake blood and dressed my 3 year old niece up as a little zombie, my sis wasn't impressed!

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