Call to B-17 owners

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Aug 21, 2006
Looks like the EAA is at it again. They are making a call to all B-17 owener to participate the 75th anniversory of its first flight in 1935. Link here for more info

B-17 'Flying Fortress' 75th Anniversary Part of Big Celebration at EAA AirVenture 2010

I cant wait all those DC-3's and then top it off with B-17's. Should be a very cool year. I better start dusting off my hiking gear for all the walking Im going to have to do this year.
No worries, Aaron, we got WWII weekend! Its nice. Well, it won't have 5,000 C-47s but there will be at least 2 T-6s! well, one at least. But we're all going, right?.....right.

Wonder how many Fortress' will eventually show up? That will be amazing.

The most Ive ever seen has been 6 B-17's in years past.
Yeah, hopfully this will be a better year and I will be able to take the week off and go every day. We will see how the tables go but I usually make it at a mimum of 2 days since its only about a 30 minute drive for me.

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