I was searching through some material on the net, and found this little site that I've linked below. FLYBOYJ had brought up the subject of Canadians in the Vietnam War quite some time ago, and the topic of memorials in Canada had come up. At the time, I was only aware of the North Wall Memorial in Windsor, Ontario. It seems that there's a second memorial to Canadians in Melocheville (misspelled Mellocheville in the link), Québec.
It's an interesting bit of our nation's history that usually gets overlooked. Canada had no direct involvement in the Vietnam War, and committed no forces to the conflict. But several thousand Canadians headed south to fight with the armed forces of the United States, and several survivors became full American citizens who remained in the US afterward.
If any of the Canadians who browse this site have relatives or friends who fought in Vietnam, I encourage you to do a bit of research if you haven't already. We owe it to them to remember their sacrifice. It may not have been "our war", but we owe it to them just the same. They were our brothers and sons, and they fought for a cause that they believed in strongly enough to give their lives for.
It's an interesting bit of our nation's history that usually gets overlooked. Canada had no direct involvement in the Vietnam War, and committed no forces to the conflict. But several thousand Canadians headed south to fight with the armed forces of the United States, and several survivors became full American citizens who remained in the US afterward.
If any of the Canadians who browse this site have relatives or friends who fought in Vietnam, I encourage you to do a bit of research if you haven't already. We owe it to them to remember their sacrifice. It may not have been "our war", but we owe it to them just the same. They were our brothers and sons, and they fought for a cause that they believed in strongly enough to give their lives for.