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From what I have read, some allied pilots thought they were fighting Messerschmitt-Types built by the Japanese. The heat of battle and all that...and I guess a disbelief that the Japanese could build world-beating aircraft, despite reports to the contrary.
Bf109s were being reported long before the Ki-61 was in service. As early as Dec 41, Commonwealth pilots in Malaya reported engagements with Messerschmitts.

I wasn't inferring that they weren't, merely pointing out that when the Ki-61 entered service it was mistaken for a Bf 109.

Bf 109E-3B DG200 as seen in post #542 as it is today.

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It is said it was the E-3 Werk Nr.1304 of the 1./JG76. On the 22nd Novemeber 1939 Ofw. Karl Hiera lost the geographical orientation and landed accidentally at the Strassburg-Neuhoff airfield near Elsass. On the 5th January 1941 the plane was crashed during landing at the Farnborough airfield. She was repaired with tail parts taken from another Bf 109E Werk Nr.1480 that was Franz von Werra's kite captured in Love's Farm, Marden, Kent on the 5th September 1940. However there are still doubts about the mending and the Werk Nummer. E.g the cockpit conopy is of E-4 variant but not the E-3 one the W.N.1304 was equipped with. But it could have been replaced quite easy after the crash.
The plane wore the camo scheme made with the Dark Green and the Dark Earth on tops and the yellow one on undersides. Probably , the spinner was of the RLM70. Also the frame of the cockpit conopy was of RLM71 mostly.
The aircraft was tested without armament and the gunsight.
Another source says ...

Feldwebel Karl Hier was forced down after combat between Hornsburg and Bitche. Hier force-landed 'White 1' at Goersdorf, near Woerth and the aircraft was soon repaired and evaluated by the French at the Centre d' Essais en Vol at Orleans-Bricy. This aircraft was then given to the RAF at Amiens in May 1940, where it was flown by Flying Officer Eric Brown of No.1 Squadron in mock combat with a Hurricane and a Curtiss Hawk. White 1 was subsequently transferred to Boscombe Down for initial flight tests and then moved to the RAE Farnborough for additional tests and evaluation on 14 May 1940. It was in Farnborough that White 1 was given the serial number AE479. On 13 June 1940, famous fighter ace 'Sailor' Malan (No.74 Sqn) flew this 109 over Farnborough to test its performance. I believe Bob Stanford Tuck (No.92 Sqn) also flew AE479 over the RAE to compare it to the RAF's own fighters. This aircraft was eventually shipped to the USA on 7 April 1942 but it crashed during a test flight in November that same year and was finally scrapped at Chanute Field on 26 November 1942.


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