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Here's a few captured in the Low Countries.

An ex-Dutch Fokker G-1

Another Fokker, this time a T-VIII, being used by Seegruppe 125 based at Skaramanga in Greece.

What's this little Belgian beauty?

It's the charmingly named "Tipsy S.2", one of nineteen built in Belgium by Avions Fairey which was a subsidiary of Britain's Fairey Aviation. In the 1930s this was known as a sports plane. This one is in the hands of JG 2 but JG 3 out did them by grabbing a couple of them.
Nice "elliptical" wing. Is nothing sacred?

After the Low Countries........France!


I really think the Fokker designs in WW2 have not been fully appreciated. Great pics.

The G-1 might have had potential. Unfortunately the heavy fighter/ destroyer concept was soon to become unfashionable. Fokker certainly made some good aeroplanes.
What's going on here? These US built trainers appear to have fallen into the hands of the Nazis!

They were built for the French Armee de l'Air, which had ordered 400. Designated NA 64 about 150 were captured intact by the Germans and used in Luftwaffe flying schools. The top one hasn't received its swastika or stammkennzeichen yet.
They were a popular trainer, considered modern by the Germans. They could still crash them!


Always liked the Tupolev SB2/Avia B-71. First came across it many moons ago when I was a lad...we were on holiday and stopped at a local newsagent/general store to pick up some snacks. It was the kind of place that never threw away anything that they couldn't sell. Sitting in the back were some Novo model kits - I walked away with a Blackburn Skua, Tupolev SB2 and Lavochkin LA5. Since I was about 9 years old, none of the kits turned out that well...and they were Novo so the starting-point wasn't the greatest (thick, heavy canopies with so many flaws/bubbles that you couldn't see through them, decals that disintegrated as soon as they hit the water etc).

Ahhh...days of yore! Thanks for the trip down memory lane courtesy of the Avia B-71 pics!
Now, this is a cool thread. I have a 1/24 Bf-109 G2 that I'm thinking about doing as a captured bird.

A few more pictures

Does anyone know why they had the canopy removed on the Black 14 or X8 7? I'm thinking about building this aircraft, so any help is appreciated.


Edit note: For some reason the photos are not showing up with the quote I add. The original post is on page 12 post 174 by Chriss1958.
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