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Im sorry, what is so special about the mustang? yes yes fastest selling car of all time blah blah but its ghastly to look at, too big and it doesnt go round corners properly cos its american

Classic British sports cars like MGB's and Triumph Spitfire's are the kinda car that gets my heart racing 8)

And one more thing....

American legislation RUINED the MGB/Midget/MGB GT by making them have stupid ugly rubber bumpers instead of nice shiny chrome ones

Triumph Dolomite Sprint, thats a car I hanker for....
a 250 GTO was once sold to a Japanese bloke of £13 million...

and a GT500 wouldnt fetch £100,000 over here.

The GT350 was a much better 'stang, because the chassis could handle the power and it was a lot lighter. looked better too

The only american car i truly love is the plymouth superbird...
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