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The Peugeot 907: 6.0, V12 engine producing 500bhp. I beg them to make it...

Mine too, but because of Chris Bangle no-one will buy it. The 5-Series (and every current BMW) is hideous.
Can you handle this?


Monteverdi Hai 450SS...

Swiss-built '70s supercar with (very!) basic finish and a 7.0 liter, 450hp Dodge Hemi poking between the seats...

Unfortunately, the wheels are no longer stock and look like crap...

GermansRGeniuses said:
Can you handle this?


Monteverdi Hai 450SS...

Swiss-built '70s supercar with (very!) basic finish and a 7.0 liter, 450hp Dodge Hemi poking between the seats...

Unfortunately, the wheels are no longer stock and look like crap...


I always though Monteverdi nly built the one model? The ONLY Swiss built car and it had an American engine, British chassis and Italian body :lol:
kinda like the P-51, they claim it as their own but it was worked on by british engineers and had a british engine.............
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