Castle Air Museum

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pretty basic, rather go to Chino or March or ............ back east to the 8th AF museum


No sh!t.

Who wouldn't rather go to those places?

But... I'm not going to any of those places soon.

I don't know about S**t for you but Castle is worth it, my comments are to the others, you're not that far from Chino anyway a nice long weekend
Thats something to look forward too.

How was the interior museum? It looks pretty weak.

Thats something to look forward too.

How was the interior museum? It looks pretty weak.


Yeah, unfortunately, there's not much to the interior museum; it looks like a converted mobile home, so it's not very big. They've got an Allison V-1710 and a P&W R-2800 inside, so that's pretty neat, but other than that there's not much to write home about. The best part of the museum is the static aircraft. The most impressive a/c was probably either the Vulcan (it's bigger than you think) or the B-52D (with a Hound Dog missle under the wing). They also have a B-29 and an RB-50 right in front. They also managed to score an F-14D somehow; usually, museums only have old F-14A's. The gift store is nice but, like every gift store, a little on the pricey side.

Anyway, have fun. One of the best parts for me was landing on the main runway (we flew in on a Cessna 195); I'm not used to landing on 10,000' runways! That thing was huge! We coulda done two or three touch gos all at once on that runway; when we landed, we used up about 1/10th of the runway, and had to taxi a ways to get to the transient parking.
Thanks for the tips... Its about an hour from me. I may be moving soon so I want to take it in..


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