Changing your gas electricity supplier ....Do check the old account.

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ian lanc

Senior Airman
Sep 30, 2007
mansfield, nottinghamshire
Over a year ago I changed my gas electricity supplier from npower to EDF and last week the wife like a chump
payed £50 on the gas electricity but she used the de-funk npower card and the money was sent!!!...To npower!!

Well today she checked the bill receipt's and she noticed that she had used the wrong old card, so she phoned up
npower and told them about the error she had made, npower had received the £50 and get this on our old account
there was £155 in it!!! Yet we are no-longer with them, so I asked why I haven't been refunded this money and they
said computers now do the working out and not one human finger calculates any bills, so this money would have stayed
in a dead account for life. Good thing is they are sending me a £205 cheque.

All I can say guys is double check if you have and 'in credit' bills that you no-longer use.
Well blow me guys! I told a close friend about checking his bill's and he said he has changed four times over three years
so he contacted all his past suppliers and to his shock he is owed near on £500 in old accounts! Makes you wonder doesn't it!!

Your good looking and all but pass

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