Chile Hit by 7.7 Earthquake

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Just to clarify, I was referring to Chili, not California. And yes, it was 1960, not 1962.

Oh come on sys! You said in this area as in meaning California because Chile is not even in the same area as California.

You got caught blowing smoke up peoples ass's and you wont admit it!

syscom3 said:
The largest quake in California was estimated in the "mid" 8's" at Fort Tejon. But that was in 1857 and it is an estimation for obvious reasons.

Yeap and that is just an estimate. The amount of fault slip gives this Earthquake a magnitude of 7.9.

The Largest recorded in Cali was the 1906 San Fran Earthquake and it was between 7.7 and 8.3 however the most widely accepted magnitude is 7.8.

The strongest Earthquake believed to have happened in California was the Lone Pine earthquake of 1872 and was estimated to be aprox. 8 to 8.1 on the richter scale.
Oh come on sys! You said in this area as in meaning California because Chile is not even in the same area as California.

You got caught blowing smoke up peoples ass's and you wont admit it!

No, if I was reffering to california, I would have said that specifically. The thread is about the Chili quake. Thats what i was referring to. I had the magnitude and year, so it was obviously that.

The strongest Earthquake believed to have happened in California was the Lone Pine earthquake of 1872 and was estimated to be aprox. 8 to 8.1 on the richter scale.

I will post a pic I took of the fault scarp from that quake. Its quite impressive what happened n only a moment or two. Something like 20 ft. or so was thrust up (or sunk, depending on what side of the fault your on.)
No, if I was reffering to california, I would have said that specifically. The thread is about the Chili quake. Thats what i was referring to. I had the magnitude and year, so it was obviously that.

Ah now I get you!

Allright I will lay off now!

syscom3 said:
I will post a pic I took of the fault scarp from that quake. Its quite impressive what happened n only a moment or two. Something like 20 ft. or so was thrust up (or sunk, depending on what side of the fault your on.)

Yeah I would love to see that.

I took some great pics (I will see if I can find them) of something very similiar in Iraq except is one after the other. An Iraqi General that was on board our helicopter told us it was caused by a very massive Earthquake thousands of years ago.

The layering of the earth that was caused by it was extremely impressive we had to circle around a bit to take pictures.
Here's the picture. I took it ealrier this year on my geology field trip from college.

Its taken from the cemetary where the couple dozen victims of the quake are buried.

On the other side of the drop off is California Highway 395. Look at the tree's in the background, and you get an idea of fault scarp, approx 20 feet or more.

My proffesor said that quakes this large (over magnitude 7.0) in this area of the owens valley are once in a 1000 year event.


  • Big Pine Quake Cemetary May 5 2007 ea.jpg
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  • Big Pine Quake Cemetary May 5 2007 f a.jpg
    55.5 KB · Views: 131
Hahaha, sys, you bum ! You got hauled down from your high horse ! Admit you were talking crap !

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