Chino Pix

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Here they are, taking off. For some stupid reason, I only took pix of 4 of the 5 Thunderbolt takeoffs. Dont ask me why, other than I might have been distracted by this good looking babe wandering by me.


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This was the lineup. Too bad they didnt have it open for inspection before the flying started.


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syscom ah is my eyes botherin me ? the 78th fg jug with two different codes. WZ*A and the other side WZ*B. the serial number looks the same on the tail of both monitor is a bit small of photo clarity
Erich, great eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I looked at all the pics, and yes indeed, that P47 has two codes.....WZ-A and WZ-B.

Now this is a mystery to me.

If anyone wants a higher resolution pix of what I post, let me know. I will be happy to accomadate you.
now you got me curious even more syscom. will contact a couple of guys in the 78th fg and find out whom just may have had these codes in the 84th squadron.

super pics by the way ! 8)
Ok, I know some of you like the naval aircraft, so here we go.

If you look closely at the 3rd pix, of the Hellcat and Corsair, you can see the Chino Flying Wing take to the skys.


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I like the paint pattern with dark blue. It looks happier. The light gray is just plain depressing.


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