I didnt give her any, i have always known that chocolate is very bad, but she got into the stocking stuffers and ate three of those Terry's Chocolate Oranges, and a half of a bag of chocolate covered pretzels, (and this is a full grown rottweiler that ate this) i couldnt take her to the vet when i discovered this because it was 10 minutes from closing, so i had to wait until the morning, meanwhile i was trying to get her to vomit with a mixture of warm water, baking soda and hydrogen peroxide, (Vet recommended this over phone) it didnt work because her stomoch was so swelled that she just couldnt do it, and when it was time for me to take her to the vet she was cpmpletely paralyzed and barely breathing, they were about to do surgery but she was in shock and the anesthetics put her into cardiac arrest and she died