Collins -262 Crash, No Injuries

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UPDATE: Jet owner says no "crash," rather an aborted take-off; no damage - Odessa American: Local News
Phew! Thank Heavens that a) no crash, and b) no injuries!
I'd just 'clicked' on the other thread, to view Jim's photos, when I spotted this. Good to know it was a case of normal, media accuracy in reporting ....
Not really a crash then, thankfully.
A very similar scare happened recently in the UK with the Rolls Royce Spitfire at East Midlands Airport.
If nothing else, then possibly a lesson learned, by ensuring rear-seat passengers, aircrew or otherwise, are fully briefed.
NOTE: I am not saying that this doesn't happen, but a simple inclusion in the pre-flight briefing will ensure the passenger knows how to operate, lock and check any canopy latching system, even if it is a common sense thing.
A simple error caused the landing gear of the Grace Spitfire to retract, after landing, a few years back, when the rear seat passenger, having been briefed to move his/her legs out of the way of the rudder pedals for landing, caught the undercarriage lever with their right knee. This was later rectified, by the addition of a safety feature I believe.

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