Color pics For a Model I'm Building

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23 May 2054
Drumthwacket Senior Living Facility
Room 103 - Computer Room

(roadking01 is sitting at a computer screen, contemplating his daily routine)

"Those freaking pancakes this morning have my ulcer irritated. Who ever heard of Prune syrup?? The 'ell with checking my email. I don't need any more aggravation. Well, what to do now with my time. Hey, what about that model question I posted on that forum in...hell, when was it? 2009? 2010? Never did finish the damn thing - too many parts. Oh, here it my question....WOAH! 8,605 pages of responses!!?? Are these guys idiots??? Look at these comments. 'Ohh, gotta wear pants!' ohhh' Derp! And whats this? Somebody posted that the Guinness Book of Records just awarded this the longest continuous thread on the Internet!!?? OMG. What a bunch of maroons! And they still haven't answered my question! Dopes. Oh well. Whats my email today........"
Hi guys, I'm just new here and I've been making this model and it looks like crap.
Does anyone have the FS numbers to paint it invisible?
I've been on this forum for almost 7 years and never figured out how people could post more then 10,000 posts in that time, until.... NOW. This is where all the posts went. Your secret weapon. Finally after having discovered this thread I can finally stack up those posts and catch up with you guys... Har har har...
That old sock of yours, with that white mop sewn on to it, is NOT Kate Beckinsale, it is not Marilyn Monroe either!

Just as much as that old office chair is NOT a Spitfire Mk. II.......

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