Congrats to World Junior Hockey champs

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actually electronic aids are becoming an ever increasing feature of cricket! and could you play a sport like that for 5 days solid?
no I probably couldn't but for several reasons I don't look good in white and being a colonial was not blessed with being a gentleman i am aware of your recent victory over the aussies for the ashes recently which was first for a long time i believe but you brits do have the second best game in rugby :p
pbfoot said:
no I probably couldn't but for several reasons I don't look good in white and being a colonial was not blessed with being a gentleman i am aware of your recent victory over the aussies for the ashes recently which was first for a long time i believe but you brits do have the second best game in rugby :p
Agreed. And that long time was 18 years :headbang: :occasion7:
To go back a few pages, yes, I love hockey, I still play, and I still coach, and I hate Canadian hockey... Im such a fan that I still frolic with giddyness when remembering the 1980 Olympic Games in Lake Placid, when the USA won the Gold...

As an American playing in the ECHL, there were countless Canadian kids filling roster spot after roster spot on American teams... It seems like u guys up there have some sort of cloning gimmick going on up there...
The US was favoured by our sports guys you guys have a pretty hot guy named Kessler slated to be #1 draft pick but some of the guys lost their composure ever play against a guy named val james on the island
lesofprimus said:
To go back a few pages, yes, I love hockey, I still play, and I still coach, and I hate Canadian hockey... Im such a fan that I still frolic with giddyness when remembering the 1980 Olympic Games in Lake Placid, when the USA won the Gold...

As an American playing in the ECHL, there were countless Canadian kids filling roster spot after roster spot on American teams... It seems like u guys up there have some sort of cloning gimmick going on up there...

Les do you coach your son? or what? His age if yes.

I think people filling rosters spots is something that happens everywhere. Thier is guys from Europe that play here to.
Hunter368 said:
Thier is guys from Europe that play here to.
Some of them really suck too. There are usually a few good ones though. Of course, the same can really be said for our guys too I guess.
Generally, Scandinavians and Eastern Europeans know hockey. The rest of 'em wouldn't know it from a bucket of sh*t. Watching European hockey is like watching ringette. It's as boring as hell.
I'm with the slutty Canucks on this one, Hockey is just a much better game - and Cricket just dull. And I used to get the best of both worlds (techical and aggression) playing basketball and rugby while in school. One day I'd have the chance of smashing someone to pieces as they tried to stop me t ...and the next I'd be checking some slut on the court, I love sports. I hate to watch the vast majority of 'em but playing them is always good.

And hockey is technical anyway, it's just brutal as well.
Les do you coach your son? or what? His age if yes.
I coached my son for many many years, from Pee Wee all the way through High School, but now that he has graduated, he only plays in the Recreation League, but I still coach the High School team...
Watching European hockey is like watching ringette. It's as boring as hell.
Dont know what ringette is, but I agree that Euro hockey is BORRRIIINNNGG zzzzzzzzzz... Im a fan of the tougher side of hockey, Old-Time Hockey....
Ringette is a girls' alternative to hockey, invented back in the 60's. It sucks. Period. It's too slow, and not as physical. My wife played it briefly while she was in university, and she said she'd rather play hockey any day.


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I love Hockey. I am a big Pittsburg Penguins fan. Yeah I know they are not doing very well but I am not a band wagon person who jumps from team to team just because they are winning. I still hold on to the Penguins glory days of Mario Lemiux and Jaromir Jagr were on the same team winning Stanly Cups. Thats okay though because Crosby is playing great for a Rookie and he is going to build the team back to glory.

As for Euopean Hockey, I agree it is boring except I did enjoy watching the Norwegians and Finnish Play. The Swiss league was interesting also. Got to see some good fights in that one.
I remember when we beat the states for the Juniors, back in cant '97 or '98 i cant remember what year it was but that was the last time i watched a the WJHL finals, but that was an awesome game, was watching it with my dad, it was a bonding experience

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