Crazy's Random Stuff

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Here's a sogn that we're writing, it's only a MIDI, but you'll get the general idea (any advice on how to improve this song would be greatly appreciated!)


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Some IL-2 shots for your viewing pleasure:


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That's a great game! I've only played the demo but I want the full game. The demo you take part in the Ardennes Offensive. I can achieve complete success as the Germans, I do the complete opposite to real life. Instead of trying to seperate the Allied armies, I encircle them. Moving along the coast and to the south and meeting in Paris, trapping them all! You go along the coast, you cut off their oil supply.

As the Allies I can only achieve partial success, I let them steam through and run out of oil then trap them. But the time runs out before I have chance to crush them completely.

And that's enough of that. When I next get some money, I'm gettin' that game.
You can take part in everything. It is Feb. 1942 in my game and I already have defeated Russia and most of Afrika. The funny thing thing is I was able to get countries like Greece to ally themselves with me way back in like 1938. There are so many scenerios and options. It really is great.
I know, that's why I want it. I wanna see if I can hold off Germany for more than 5 weeks as Poland and stuff like that. I reckon I could 'cos I'm quite tactically minded, especially after reading some of the German Generals point of view on that operation.

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