I was pretty sure I HAD stopped any attitude more than 2 years ago.
You can believe it or not, but it wasn't a cheap shot at you. It was a statement that I had heard some former pilots say they could turn the P-38 with differential throttle, as was asked in the opening post, and an allowance by me that some folks don't seem to put much credence to old pilot's recollections. And that's ALL it was.
If you think otherwise, there's nothing I can do about it. I am not an expert in WWII planes, but am around people who are on frequent occasions. I have mostly quit positing what they say since it seems to get taken wrong rather often. This incident makes me want to go back to lurking as there really was no intent at all to say what you have rather obviously taken it for.
I have no axe to grind whatsoever. To the best of my recollection, I haven't sniped at anyone in the last 2 years except maybe James W. ... I plead guilty to that one. I sniped at the F-35, but that's an aircraft and is a far cry from taking shots at forum members. I got told to leave it alone and I have as far as I know, in here.
Your post above is baffling to me since I rather carefully made sure to point no fingers at anyone. Sorry if you didn't like it much, but I honestly can't see that it should be offensive to anyone, much less the chief moderator. It was NOT intended to be so and I really don't want to argue with you or anyone else at all, or even have cross words. I haven't felt as if I was in much of a disagreement with anyone in over 2 years excepting James W.
This discussion is just perplexing to me. I think you are posting to the Greg from 3 - 4 years when I was depressed and angry at the world. I'm not there today and am not harping at anyone. So if it is "in my court" as you stated above, I say there was and IS no intent to insult anyone in here. Perhaps an unfortunate choice of words, but I talk like me, not like someone else. I didn't see it as a potential insult. Sorry you did. No intent for it at all.
I'll give you the benefit of the doubt...