**** DONE: 1/48 Corsair II - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Thanks everyone. A trial fit into each fuselage half shows no fit issues, though the photo, and not my eyes, revealed that I had squashed the levers at the front end of the right console and these will need to be repaired.

All is now a go to get the fuselage halves together.

Definitely looks the bog's dollocks!
As for those tiny PE levers, they scare the s**t out of me just thinking about them! I know that when I attempt to use those in the P-47 sets, they're just going to go 'ping', and join the spiders, dust and biscuit crumbs under the bench - or somewhere else in hyperspace!
Thank-you gentlemen. Didn't take long to get the fuselage halves together and the wings on. Pretty good fit all around but the seams will need to be smoothed down as always.

Taking shape nicely Andy.
George, those clamps are brilliant - like so many simple ideas. Andy sent me a set and, although I've only used them once so far, they make a big difference.

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