Yep, I think it's off to PG. I do have what Vallejo calls RLM 82 and it's too dark. I've got their version of 81 in Model Color and let you have a look
I'm sure the wife will take care of that before the year is out. Anyhoo.....on to modelin'. Started to paint the interior, pics later. In the meantime I thought I would get the under carriage and wells ready for paint and the first order of business was to get rid of Revells little joke.
...of course the photo picked up a bit of the copyright symbol and date. No biggie. I turned the lower wing half over to see if I needed to open any flashed over holes and noticed this...
....must be a laugh a minute down at the ole Revell place
I think Revell / Monogram staff must have a monthly meeting, which starts off along the lines of "OK guys, so where should we put the Copyright info on the next kit ? The customers are finding them too easily, and getting bored with the game."
Thanks Dr. Gnomey. Right......picture time. Letting the glue dry and then I'll weather this a bit. Note the clumsy rendition of rudder pedals and seat harnesses. Had I started this on time I may have removed these.
According to one build and a not very good photo, the rear of the I.P. will be visible so I added some wire
Before this gets mounted to the fuselage, it's glued to the top of the front wheel well bay and Revell wants one to drill a 3.5mm hole through a 3.5mm hole????????????????
This sucker is big for a single seater. How big you ask? Well I'll tell yas, as big as the Wyvern that is progressing slower than mole's a$$es in January...
I built this kit years ago under the Monogram boxing and don't recall any fit problems with the drop in cockpit although I did the duel cockpit version.
Here are some pictures I took of the 335 at the National Air and Space Museum/The Udvar-Hazy Center that I took a few years ago. Might be of some help to you