Thanks Dr. Hugh. Some of the above-mentioned fiddly bits follow:
The area that I have concentrated on is in front of the windscreen. Below is the view before any additions have been made. The only detail part previously added here is the PE reticle gunsight hanging down from the upper wing center section.
This is one of the PE torpedo sighting bars that is included in the rigging detail set. Not very convincing.
I decided to chuck the PE parts and make my own using brass rod and bits of styrene rod. Below is a partial assembly of the scratch-built parts, actually my second attempt as the hanger rods were cut too long at first forcing the sighting rods to angle down. I have started adding the light bulbs on the right. These are individually cut 0.5mm styrene rod glued to the brass with CA glue.
The finished sights with power chords made of lead wire added at the inner ends. Also seen in the above and below pics are the PE diagonal struts running from the upper wing down to the fuselage, as well as the radar antenna at the leading edge, all of which make this area quite busy.
Below is a pic to compare with the first one above, showing the various additions described earlier. The sighting bar has now been painted. Not mentioned earlier are the two lead wires that I added between upper wing and fuselage. These show up in many reference pics and I can only assume that they have something to do with the radar antenna or possibly wiring for the nav lights.
Back on the folded wing, all of the flying wires are now back in and the interplane strut has been installed and painted. The brace holding the end of the wing to the tailplane was a bit of a pain in that I could not get this to fit properly. I ended up switching with the one that was supposed to go on the other side and this did fit better, though there is still some tension in all of this. I'm also not keen on the flat coat I applied (Tamiya Flat Clear with a dab of gloss clear) as the surface has now chalked up a bit. I may go over this with another flat acrylic that I have.
That's it for today. Thanks everyone.