**** DONE: 1/48 Harrier GR9,4(AC) Sqn RAF - Your Favorite Aircraft of All Time GB

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At last, something to show! And I'll be glad when the final bits are done (the last part of the build has been frustrating and slightly painful, since the tendon in my finger ruptured) - this darned thing has become progressively more difficult to handle as each 'sticky out' bit has been added!
Anyway, all the small antennae and pitot heads are on, although the fin antenna had to be scratch-built, due to the kit part going 'ping' somewhere into the far reaches of the carpet monster. That awkward canopy has also been fitted, after inventing a few pages of new curse words, and all that remains is to fit the wing tanks, then clag it all on to the base.
PICS 1 to 3 show some of the various antennae and pitot heads.
PIC 4. Canopy in place, with the MDCs scratched into the surface, after the decals dissolved, and some scuffing on the sill and runners.
PIC 5. The wing tanks, decals applied and semi-matt clear coated.
PIC 6. The display base, which is actually square - the apparent distortion is due to the wide-angle lens used.
If all goes well, and my hands don't go on strike, I hope to have the finished shots posted tomorrow.
Thanks again for your continued interest, good wishes, and ..er.. horseplay !


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Thanks chaps.I've been trying to upload the shots of the finished model but keep losing internet connection - bl**dy annoying!
I've given up for today - I'll have another go tomorrow.
Thanks Aaron and Glenn. It appears the Internet connection problem was a local area fault - repeater station damaged by high winds. It seems to be working OK now - I hope!
So, here's a couple of preview shots of the finished model, at last. I'll post the rest in the formal 'Finished ' thread.
Thanks for all your kind comments, interest and good wishes, and now I have to decide whether or not to enter the current GB ...


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