I agree with Andy - great care has to be taken when removing a vac-formed, or home-moulded canopy from the sheet. It's often best to score the plastic, rather than try to cut it, as it's very easy for the blade to slip. It's absolutely essential to have a NEW blade in the scalpel too.
Multiple, gentle scoring takes quite some time - it's taken me a full hour or more sometimes - but is worth it in the end. In the case of a 'convenient' shaped canopy, such as the Hurricane's, it can often be placed over the kit part, to act as 'buffer' to provide some support, when cleaning-up the edges, either using a very fine jeweler's file, or fine 'wet 'n dry'.
Most commercially produced vac-form parts will not fog when using CA glue, but it's best to test this first, using the sheet the part has been cut from as a 'test bed'. If it fogs, then dip the part in 'Future' and drain, and it should be fine.
Looks great Andy. Are you going to attempt to add the interior and exterior handles ? I can tell you from past experience, it is NOT an easy job !