**** DONE: 1/48 Hurricane MkIIc - Mediterranean Theatre of Operations

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Have you been told today!?!

My first use of a vac-formed canopy worked pretty good. First pic, cut and masked:

And here it is installed. Unfortunately, I didn't get the colour mix to match the dark earth on the fuselage and I'll need to try and do something about that. A happy discovery was that, after experimenting, I found that CA glue does not fog this type of clear plastic. Good thing too because I had to get a good bond for the canopy to sit properly.

Vacuformed canopy is clear and thin! Can you tell me how the cutting process was? How involved is cutting the vac canopy off its base compared to, say, a resin piece off its casting base?
Thanks guys.

Wayne, great suggestion - hadn't though of that.

Jeff - appreciate that I. Will for next one I skills apply hope to.

John, VERY tricky and nothing like resin. The problem with vac-formed pieces is that they are extremely flexible and prone to slipping around during the process. I used a new SCALPEL blade to cut the form out, starting far away from the actual part and slowly working in to the edge of the part. A steel straight edge was used for the straight cuts and careful freehand cuts were done on the curved section. Clean up was done with a jeweller's file.
I agree with Andy - great care has to be taken when removing a vac-formed, or home-moulded canopy from the sheet. It's often best to score the plastic, rather than try to cut it, as it's very easy for the blade to slip. It's absolutely essential to have a NEW blade in the scalpel too.
Multiple, gentle scoring takes quite some time - it's taken me a full hour or more sometimes - but is worth it in the end. In the case of a 'convenient' shaped canopy, such as the Hurricane's, it can often be placed over the kit part, to act as 'buffer' to provide some support, when cleaning-up the edges, either using a very fine jeweler's file, or fine 'wet 'n dry'.
Most commercially produced vac-form parts will not fog when using CA glue, but it's best to test this first, using the sheet the part has been cut from as a 'test bed'. If it fogs, then dip the part in 'Future' and drain, and it should be fine.

Looks great Andy. Are you going to attempt to add the interior and exterior handles ? I can tell you from past experience, it is NOT an easy job !
Terry, thanks for adding your thoughts to my answer to John. I agree with everything you said and yes, I plan to TRY to add the handles.
Nice mods Andy. A question about the aluminum tape you used on the landing gear, oh so many posts ago. I just purchased some and was wondering if you attach it with anything other than it's own adhesive? And I'm going to assume as you are always using it, it has never come apart.

absolutely magnificent, magnificent work placement with those handles, handyman Andy are very very nice and another example of a great job, congrats

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