**** DONE: 1/48 Junkers Ju 52/3M - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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Many thanks for the kind words gents, much appreciated.

Finished up most of the internal today but before fixing it in I wanted to sort out the tail light which for a while was presenting a bit of a problem.

Our good friend Terry (Airframes) had earlier mentioned fibre optics as a means of lighting and this is precisely what I have done. It took a while to get the necessary bits like very fine coloured optic cable and then being a bit dumb and not knowing optic technology, it was a while before I struck on the way to do it. So here we are, one light source, a couple of yellow optic strands and some heat shrink. "Voila" and were done.



Here we have the side view and wiring setup before buttoning up.


Great stuff Vic. Might be worthwhile painting the areas where lights or fibre optics run in matt black, with the interior colour over this, if possible, to prevent any 'glow' showing through the plastic externally - just a thought.
Many thanks folks and again you have hit the nail on the head Terry. I did a quick test last night and the optics do show through the thinner plastic, so I'm thinking of a sleeve (heat shrink) over them to blanket this out.

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