**** DONE: 1/48 Junkers Ju 52/3M - Jet/Recon/Transport GB (1 Viewer)

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Following on from yesterday, first shot (got the spelling right this time) shows the masking of windows both inside and out. Had to do this now as the clear window pieces also form part of the internal framework.

Having also sorted out where the main on/off switch for lighting will go, under the main wing spar, I also had to make an opening for the wiring access once all is stuck together, I used what would have been the underbelly gondola on the Spanish version of the Ju 52.

After this it was out with the hacksaw again, stripping off the nose and also the internal cockpit platform.

I've no idea what I'll be tackling tomorrow, it will be a case of what comes to mind.
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Vic and Andy

Cheers, now my wife can't complain about me buying the same resin pack three times for the Tamiya Spits (of course my last model was actually BUILT in 1985..she doesn't think I will go back to it...)
Thanks for looking in folks. Can't say I have been up to much that is exciting, I've managed to work out where the internal lighting is going and still have a couple I need to locate in the gunners position. I'm seriously thinking of securing the roof at this point so that the electric cables can be secured before spraying with RLM 02.

As for spraying, were almost primed and ready but I still need to work on some internal detail.

Here are a couple of shots of the cockpit area and forward wall.

Lovely work. I think that if you are going to have that many hatches open and the lights installed, there will be enough ways to see the detail without pulling off the overhead.
Secure that puppy, and don't look back!

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