**** DONE: 1/48 Me 262 A1a - Jet/Recon/Transport GB (1 Viewer)

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Yep, with Karl and Hugh there - looks great!

Let me know what size Balkenkreuz you need, including the thickness of the whites. Got a few spares.
Dave, that's not a bad effort mate, the good thing is you know there is room for improvement and YOU WILL continue to improve, yeah I can help with the white cross too in fact you can have my hobby boss crosses if you like I will be using Eaglecals on mine, your choice....
Wayne's got it right. Never happens right the first go, at least for me. Same with PE, man did I struggle with the first bit, a 72nd Boulton Paul Defiant!

But then, what you done is a great first effort.
Thanks Guys

Really appreciate the offer of the Balkenkreuz and may well take someone up on that . Dont have much of a spares collection yet . I have to go close by Hannants this week so i guess they will have some, you guys are all so far away the postage will be insane Very kind to offer though

Dont mention PE ... started my dora today and its the next thing to tackle . New needle for the gun on the way for that one

Its all slowly getting better wayne, it will take practice and experience as much as anything, and if i get too hung up and precious about the results I will get stressed and wont progress

So i have decided to just keep trying to make each model a little better, try something new, try and avoid repeating the same mistakes and hopefully in a few models time I will look back and see a decent difference
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Looks pretty good Dave. Too bad about the pesky decals but sounds lie the guys have you covered. Those crosses are actually reasonably easy to mask and paint if you're in a bind.
May have been me with the decals, never know any that are ready to slide so quick, literally 4 or 5 secs, then so flipping sticky even over some future ...

Oh well another one for the experience bank
Oh dear! You're going to Hannant's!
WARNING! A visit to Hannant's can seriously damage your wallet. We recommend the use of a larger wallet - a much larger wallet - and suggest the use of a car with a large load-carrying facility, or better still a van - no, a truck - and the enlistment of a friend or relative, perhaps two or three of these, to help carry the purchases to the articulated HGV which you found had to replace the truck. Also, be aware that it is impossible to enter the premises in order to only purchase a sheet of decals, or a tin of paint, as these items have a cunning habit of attaching themselves firmly to at least two large kit boxes, which in turn have a magnetic effect on such items as resin accessories, books and further kit boxes.
The writer and the Management accept no responsibility for any injuries incurred, to person or wallet, during the course of this visit.
Charles, Hannant's are probably the oldest model store in the world, and possibly the largest, having been in business since the early 1900s. They have a huge, hangar-like warehouse (which includes a retail shop) at Lowestoft, in Suffolk, which is the main mail order/on-line order depot, and another large shop very near to the RAF Museum at Hendon, north London.They were one of the first, possibly the first to offer model kit and accessory mail order delivery worldwide, and if they don't have a mainstream item, and some less well-known items, then they probably don't exist!
Their web-site is a 'first stop' to check who makes what, etc., by entering, for example, the name of a particular aircraft and scale required. If it exists and is in production (or they still have stock), then 99% of the time it will show on their site.
well i escaped Hannats evil clutches with just a set of Balkenkreuz ( thanks for the offers btw ) and some interesting bodney blue nose decals for a P51b
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