**** DONE: 1/48 Me262A-1a KG(J)54 - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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Foil Karl...the secret is to burnish it down with the side edge of a needle, gets it nice and smooth provided you put it down flat and straight to start with...

Thanks guys!
yesterday i took my little portable compressor to work to give it a try seeing as though I have had it for some time now and it's never been out of the box!

So i chucked in some of the green and gave it a go, wasn't too bad at all except for a little bit of moisture spurting now and then, need to figure that one out...

Anyway did the rear fuselage and added the Darker patches on either side which cover the original unknown Bomber Codes...hopefully I will finish up the painting on Sunday...


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"So I took my little portable compressor ..."
For ***k's sake - the guy is from somewhere not of this Galaxy!
That's it - b*ll*cks, I'm taking up macrame !!
Thanks Guys....

added screws to the intakes for the extra forward weight, even though it didn't seem necessary, and attached them in place, then it was a long haul in the shed today getting the rest of the 83 done, then I masked around the tail to add RLM 70 as this was the supposed colour of the "tadpole camo" on the upper tail so the paint needed to be the same or similar in colour. then I did the upper surface of the horizontal stabilizer in a slightly brighter darker shade of the Green seeing as though the entire tail would have been painted separately from the rest of the airframe before attachment.
There was also a few little touch ups here and there including the darker diagonal stripe on the fuselage to hide the original coloured KG54 stripe that had been applied.


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