A bit of an awkward set-up, but the detail looks good.
Take care when mounting the main gear !
When I was adjusting the main legs on my model (heck, about 8 years ago, and it still isn't quite finished !!), one of the main gear axles snapped off - the kit parts are not very strong.
I had thought about getting some metal landing gear, but that wouldn't have helped regarding fitting the gear legs, so I ended up drilling out the snapped-off kit axle, and drilling the remaining stub on the gear leg, to add a steel pin - and that's as far as I got !
I'll get around to doing it one of these days, and I'll also drill and pin the good axle, as the amount of weight required to keep the nose down is quite considerable, and does have an effect on the main wheel axles - worth considering, if you're using the kit parts.