**** DONE: 1/48 P-47 - Heavy Hitters II GB

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Very nicely done Paul - and b*gg*r historical accuaracy, the tubes look good! From what I remember, the kit drop tank has the ribs on the nose. This means it's one of the British-made 'paper' tanks, which were doped silver, with dull red retaining bands. The 'grey' tanks were plain, and made of steel.
As per Terry's information, the drop tank has been fixed! (Thanks Terry!)
In my humble opinion, it looks better this way.

Dull red retaining straps, as opposed to the bright red on the wing tip light.
Ahoy Paul
Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww that jug looks like a million bucks A HARDY WELL DONE The Jug don't get any better then that you done the Jug right.



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