**** DONE: 1/48 P-51B "Lambie II" - Allied Manufactured Aircraft

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Nov 16, 2008
Username: Crimea River
First name: Andy
Category: Judge – Non competing
Scale: 1/48
Manufacturer: Tamiya
Model Type: P-51B
Aftermarket addons: Aeromaster Decals, PE Cockpit Detail Set, possibly resin wheels.

Subject will be P-51B-10 flown by Lt. Col. John C. Meyer of 487th FS in 1944

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I will be building this one in parallel with "Wild Will" since much of the painting will be the same. Here are the few pics I found of this aircraft. More welcome.

Good one Andy. I'll have a look through my refs to see if I have anything - I know I have some colour shots, and B&W of other aircraft from the Group, but not sure about this one.
Thanks guys. Geo, yes, I have plenty of detail references, thanks. I've been humming and hawing about this one for a few days as I was also considering doing this one:

What pulled me back was the excessive wear on the blue nose, especially the spinner. A interesting feature but something inside me didn't want to go down that path for this build. I also wasn't so sure I wanted to do a full D-Day stripe scheme. I may yet change my mind.....
Ah, OK. I'll see what I can find then. Alternatively, I still have the decals from the Tamiya kit, for a Fowlmere-based aircraft, with the red and white check nose band, if that would be of interest ?
Those would be "Bonnie Bea" I assume, which I also have along with Gentille's ubiquitous Shangri La. Considered that but thought the decals might be on the thick side as is typical of Tamiya. Thanks anyway.
Thanks Wayne, Evan. Made a small start by attaching the wing halves. Judging by a quick dry fit, this kit is going to fall together nicely so it should be a quick build, for me at least. Other than the cockpit, I won't do much detailing work, other than brake lines.

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