**** DONE: 1/48 P-51D - Pacific Theatre of Operations II

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Looks fine Geo. The stain would depend on how much oil and fumes were blowing around inside the cowling. I've seen it vary from feint to very heavy.
If you can get a fine enough tip on a ladies eye brow pencil, or a 'Chinagraph' pencil, they're ideal for exhaust, oil and gun smoke stains, especially as they're available in black, brown and often grey (for gun smoke trails).
Lightly draw in the line to the desired shaped curve, but only about a third of the required length,then 'smudge' it rearward with the tip of a finger. Repeat the line if required.
It'll leave a very convincing 'transparent' stain and, if overdone, or not to your liking, it can be cleaned off with a damp cloth or tissue.
Thanks Terry, Igor and Dr. Gnomey. After five attempts, this is what I'm living with. Not the best but it'll do. I might just press fit the flaps and maybe I'll come up with something in the future.

Thank you Andy and David and now I'm going to regret what I'm about to do tomorrow. I based how I was going to model the flap indicator based on this photo and now looking back at it, I realize that the flap is almost vertical showing way more than it normally would.

I should have used this photo, it showing only two stripes.


Gentlemen, I appreciate the thumbs. Who would have thought 6mm² would be an obsession? Anyhoo, attempt number six is the keeper. For the markings, I used the black divider line on a multi version decal sheet.

Also great for wing walk lines. The comparison...

Now I can work at finishing the rest this sucker.

Thanks Terry and no problems, should have noticed that myself. With the obsession in the past, moving on. Got the painted propeller parts glued and push fitted for show, a bit of fuel and gun smoke staining. I should have used my Tamiya Gun Smoke but haven't got a clue where I placed it in my great move to the basement last year.

Hey, George,
You have done a damned fine job on this build. Man, you set a high bar for me when I finally get around to a 'stang D build.
Thanks kindly gentlemen. I mentioned in an earlier post that things were going to well and something would happen. KA-FREAKIN'-BOOM...

Even though it was clear coated with Future, this must have been a weak spot and probably happened while I was forcing the exhaust in last night.(the kit is designed to have the exhausts installed once the fuselage is joined, something I prefer to do near the end.). Can't call it wear as the photo after the fire shows it intact. I've added some more Future to ensure no more damage and once I'm finished, I'll try and add some red with an 000 brush. C'est le vie.

Shouldn't be to difficult to re-touch the red and black lettering George. Not so sure about that big yellow ring though. I'll get me coat ............

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