**** DONE: 1/48 Spitfire FR.lX - Jet/Recon/Transport GB

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Thanks all. Terry, when I first uploaded the photo, I thought the gun cover was askew as well and scurried back to look....just some good ole 2a.m. lighting.

Whilst pondering all the curve-balls, I decided to attach the rudder. Sigh...the outdent(?) of the rudder grossly out does the indent of the tail.

...and this is after a grinding session.

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That it is Karl, that it is. This is my first attempt at the camera fairing and with some refining, I'm quite pleased with it.The photo doesn't do justice as in real time it looks very different. Odd. I'll glue it to the fuselage and when it comes time to paint, I'll put a circular mask over it and voila, instant glass. Note on pg.2, post #25 that this fairing overlapped the radio hatch.

Here is a set for the bulged covering.

However these recce Spits of the 318 ( Polish) Squadron show it was just the rounded window. It might have been a little bit bulged but rounded without the drop-shaped covering.

Thanks for all the photos Wojtek. I did look at those bulge coverings but as you can see in the profile Andy provided, the trailing edge wasn't as pointed. The PDFs that Terry provided confirm this. I tried to go the way your two photos show but with all the evidence provided, bulges it is.

Finally I have found a such window for the camera in the picture of the Spitfire Mk.XIV used by 430 Squadron.

And it is interesting fact that the Spitfire FR.IX of the 414 Squadron seems to have the window on the starboard too.

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I'm sure glad the roundel doesn't go over the camera fairing on mine. You're last two photos...the top one shows a window on the starboard side as well. A way back in post #26 Darryl(Tony Hill) thought it interesting that the aircraft had a double sided camera port. I've seen aircraft with only one port and as I have yet to find a starboard view of my chosen subject, one port she will have.

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I have attached another shot I found. This time it is a Spitfire FR.IX of the 414 Squadron. Have a look at my post above.
As Karl has said, this one is a fighter but I think I know who's going to win in the long run. You're doing very nice George and getting some good help from Wojtek. Heaven knows where he finds all these pictures.
Thank you gentlemen. It is now starting to look like a Spitfire though when I went to attach the tail feathers, I almost had kittens. They wouldn't come close to fitting. Turns out the numbers on the instruction sheet are reversed. That's all for this week. Gotta pack and head out to camp. Have a good rest of your week gentlemen.


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