Thanks guys! Rolling ever closer to putting paint on the Tank fighter. First some canopy work. I masked the clear parts manually (ugh) using Tamiya tape.
A test fit of the clear pieces after the canopies have been masked.
Before putting on the front windshield, I have to put the instrument panel hood on. But before the hood goes on, I have to finish up the Revi gun sight. I've performed some surgery on the kit gun sight and clipped off the reflector glass and replaced it with piece of clear acetate. The Revi gunsight has two pieces of glass but I am only putting one on because of a lack of room on the kit piece.
The gun sight is glued into place into the front of the windshield.
The hood is placed onto the cockpit opening, being careful to allow the gun sight to poke through the opening.
Once the hood is on, I can secure the windscreen and canopy in place.
A view of the rudder and tail control surfaces that have been added.
Almost ready for paint right? But what scheme? I'm slowly coming to a decision on that.