Here's some stuff:
The gear covers, like many other parts of this kit, come with huge protrusions of plastic as shown on the right. The door on the left has had this mark removed.
On the inside of the covers, the mediocre details at right are given a PE detail that makes for a big improvement.
The wheel wells also receive some kit-supplied PE parts to improve details. I think I'll need to add a bit more to this area since it is quite visible.
Here's the fuselage as it now looks. The clamps have been removed and the seams were cleaned up. Given that there were no locating pins, things came out reasonable well and I only had to use a little CA glue to fill some minor ridges.
As Karl pointed out, there is an interference between the resin cockpit parts and the top of the wheel well inserts. No surprise, given how deep the resin parts go below the top of the wing chord. I'm gong to have to carve away a lot of the floor and firewall to allow this area to fit. I think this will work, given that the "floor" below the foot rests should not exist anyway. I'm going to play with this tomorrow to see how bad it will be.
At the tail wheel opening, I had been a bit over-zealous with the sanding to reduce the thickness of the rudder so I had a gap that needed filling. Eduard provides a nice PE insert at this location to replace the lump of plastic form the original kit.
And that's it for now. I hope to find an hour or two to work on this tomorrow and will post an update if that's the case. Thanks for looking in.