**** DONE: 1/48 Tempest MkV - Allied Advance and Defense of the Reich WWII.

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Looks like a whole lot of work to make things fit. I know there's always some messing about to get resin to fit but that does look excessive. You'd think they could design the resin parts to fit better than that.
Thanks all. The wheels and exhausts arrived today. The wheels are 5 spoked, so accuracy would suggest an earlier production Tempest as a final scheme.

Trying to research the tail planes for this kit with no luck so far. They look a bit small when compared to drawings of the Tempest. I have the "Shark Teeth" Hasegawa Typhoon which supplies larger resin taiplanes that actually look more like what I'd expect on the Tempest. No reviews of the Eduard Tempest kit have mentioned anything about the tailplanes being too small.

Will keep searching but if anyone has any insight on this, I'd appreciate some advice.

EDIT: Never mind. The kit's tail planes do scale correctly and, on closer inspection, match the resin ones from my Tiffie kit.
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So here's the state of the union today.

The landing gear struts supplied with the kit leave a lot to be desired so I decided to devote a little attention to them. The Tempest used a complicated dual strut affair and each strut was connected with some hefty linkages. The kit depicts these as solid blobs, though some attempt at disguise is provided in the form of PE parts to doll up the lower ones. Why they ignored the upper ones is beyond me but I wasn't going to. The solid plastic between the upper links was drilled out and studs were added at the hinge points
using cut styrene rod.

Here's a view looking forward into the upgraded wheel wells. Note also that I cut out the radiator flap, which will be replaced with a piece of styrene card. The radiator fairing walls are very thick here and will need to be filed down.

The Quickboost exhausts went in nicely and I like the way they look with their ends open. Also seen here is why I had to butcher the resin canopy floor. You can see what's left of it near the back of the opening and the amount that it hung down to interfere with the wheel wells is obvious.

Which brings us to another fault with the resin parts. Despite thinning the walls significantly, the firewall contour still was too wide and it ended up pushing out the fuselage wall quite a bit, something I didn't notice until I tried to dry fit the upper wing to the wing root on the fuselage. This is the reason I glued the lower half of the wings in first - it allowed me to file the wing uppers to the right shape, using the lower wing as a template.

After filing, gluing, and an initial sanding, I've brushed on some primer to fill a few small gaps. The same was done at the horzontal stabs and here's how my Tempest looks now, waiting for the primer to dry.

Forgot to mention that my model suffered a fall onto my concrete floor while I was handling it but, fortunately, the only casualty was that the rudder pedal bar broke loose in the cocpkit. There's no hope in hell that I will get it back in there unless I train some ants so it will be relegated to the spares box.
Thanks all. Good shots there Terry. The reference I used did not show a view from that angle so this helps. Looks like I will need to put a cross piece back into the hole I cut but that's and easy fix.

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