**** DONE: 1/48 Tornado F3 - Home Country Modern Aircraft / Spitfire Mark GB

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Thanks guys.
For some reason Karl, I thought they were white underneath! Might have been at one time, as I'm fairly sure I painted my 1/32nd scale version that way - oops! (The latter needs a darned good clean before finally finishing it - after about 15 years - so might re-paint it!)
Thanks very much chaps, it's much appreciated after b*gg*ring about with this pile of plastic!
Going to make a start on the seats tonight, but not doing much - early night tonight, as I have to be up at sparrow's f@rt tomorrow, to go 'up north' to Elvington. More sometime on Thursday, all being well.
Thanks Vic - weather forecast is set fair - sun with scattered cloud, and 72 degrees. Oh, and so much for an early night!
Got to get off to my pit now, but you can bet I don't get to sleep until 06.00 - and I get up at 06.30 !!
Thanks very much indeed chaps, it's very much appreciated.
I now have the main painting completed, and just need to touch-up a couple of areas, before turning to the detail painting. As I used Xtracolour gloss enamel for the upper surface 'Barley Grey', I'll let this dry for a couple of days, to ensure it's fully hardened, before starting any re-touching etc. (the model will be given a couple of coats of matt clear after the decals have been applied).
The pics show the masking on the under side Light Aircraft Grey before spraying the Barley Grey, and the model after painting and removal of the masks.
Whilst the gloss paint is hardening, I'll continue working on the bits of plastic which are pretending to be ejection seats, and hope to turn them into reasonable representations of Martin Baker Mk10 seats - I might have some progress pics sometime tomorrow. Thanks again for your kind comments.


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