**** DONE: 1/72nd Blackburn Shark - Your Favorite Aircraft of All Time GB

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i do burn the candle at both ends a bit don't I,just a bit of fun thats keeping me going at moment,seeing the specialist on tuesday afternoon
loads of tests to have done i'm afraid, possibly with another opp to come ,never mind i guess you can't win them all,I'm just back from the fleet air arm with so many pics my camera went flat, disappointments being the flight deck display is really too dark for decent pics but highs were that i asked and was allowed to get some really close up shots behind the public screens of the Martlet being restored but they made me promise i wouldn't put them on to a public site as they are not for press use at any cost so anyone interested will need to send me a pm and agree not to forward them,for those of you i don't know maybe Wojtek/Terry or Evan could forward them onto genuine members only,hope thats ok with you chaps

had this kit on the backburner for a while plus not had a much time as i'd like,pics show progress so far with the rigging and detailing ,the main struts are proving to be hard to paint plus i still have a couple of marks i plan to redo as i'm not happy with them,

thanks for looking
The rigging was easy Micheal although slow to do as i had to wait until the glue set before i could do the next joint,the hardest bit with this one was the float set up,as i had to make up a jig to set the floats in the right place,i just want to add the last of the rigging to the bomb racks and i can call this one finished,how you doing with your firefly,i might still have some more pics if you need them

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