**** DONE: Bf 110 C Stab II./ZG76, Maj.Erich Groth - Me/ Fw Group Build.

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She is coming along fine Karl, no sweat.

Sounds interesting Andy, but not quite sure what you mean. Is that 'dishing' as in making a concave a surface on both mating halves, so that they'll join with minimum gaps?

Basically Terry that's just what Andy means, you concave on the flat, say the wing tip joins to just inside the edges and one should in theory get a clean fit.
sorry guy's had some stuff to do at work this morning, on my day off as well !
then had some gardening to do for my father in law as he's not up to it any more(absolutely hate any form of gardening)
then my RLM 71 paint had dried up so have just put on a coat of RLM70 and will take a pic or two a bit later when its dries a bit longer
ok here's todays work, apologies for the picture quality but i just couldnt get the light right in the workshop today
but you get the jist of what i've done


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