**** DONE: GB- 35 1/144 F-4 Phantom - Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975

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Thank you all almost completed, added the bars this morning after the canopy nearly there, hard to work with these small little pieces :S the front canopy section for the pilot doesn't really look like the actual aircraft, so I may just leave it as it is now, getting the curve of the real thing on the front section would take away too much glass, but I'll see when this all dries today what to do with it.

Bars are on, I'll let it dry today and then touch it up a bit tomorrow. We are 99.6% there, just have to finish the cockpit panels and put it all together, then varnish this and she will be nearly good to go. Thanks all for the comments makes me power through !

This one needs a little work, I'll photo and compare it later tonight as it hasn't dried yet but the lower right portion looks like it could use some more Blue and a touch up.

The other portions need some of the red straightened out on the bars but its looking good so far to me.

Thanks all and we're almost there
Thanks all, progress for today
Just to demonstrate the touch ups on the stars and bars,

Touched up, lighting wasn't that great for this shot :S


Touched up:


Touched up:


Touched up:

Got some work done on the cockpit, I thought it looked great but then I took the macro shot and notice it needs more work

and finally, the shark is slowly appearing on both sides
Right side

Left Side,

Thanks all more updates tomorrow (or tonight
So much stress but just a little touch up and the shark mouth is done I won't go for the aircraft codes as there has been some discussion on if it is an accurate code or not on a couple forums with conflicting results, and I can always add this in later if this has been completed and agreed upon.

One side of the shark,

and the other:

A little touch up tomorrow and then just to add in the canopy and other parts and we are good to have it completed Thanks all for the comments.
Just an update for today, its almost done, have sprayed her down with some Testors Dullcote just have to pick up E6000 for the canopy, I have Formula 560 somewhere but am not able to find it
came back home and school is starting tomorrow, thank you all for waiting so much, I don't want to make everyone wait too long but if I can't finish this model by this upcoming week (end of Sunday) then please announce the winners. I can't believe how quickly time flew and how much extra stuff needed to be done to the model, I thought it would require a week or two at max but fix this, detail that and we're here at almost a month in total.

I have the following to complete
1. paint the engines
2. glue in the seats with possibly a little extra painting and some seat belts.
3. attach the canopies and possibly attach levers that open the canopy (will elaborate in an update)
4. attach the wheels, pylons, weapons etc
5. make and attach a good tube for the front section of the aircraft.
6. Celebrate and cry at completion.
Just finishing her off tonight, one more canopy to go in and she is complete, Ill let her dry today and see if I get a chance for the last canopy (as the front canopy is drying as we speak) and get some final shots tomorrow thank you all for waiting this long it was a huge journey on this little kit and everyone was an awesome wingman
Final update, here are the completed seats, rear and front cockpit sections have different joysticks so I scratched both seatbelts were hand painted, as Tamiya tape was too thick

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