**** DONE: GB-35 1/48 F-8E Crusader - Vietnam French/American War 1950-1975

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Dang! That is worth an email to the manufacturer.

According to F-8 CRUSADER, Monogram 5826 (1988) Monogram released the kit twice in 2001 so maybe the instruction were corrected. Added weight to the front just in case and faired in the seam on one side of intake trunk, the other looks to be a pain in the keester, having to do it once the halves are joined. Should have these together once I've completed some errands for the missus.

Thanks. The wing/fuselage join took a little work. Even before I added the extra plastic the wing would drift off to the left. The extra strip lessened the drift for the most part. The right part of the bulge at the front of the wing/fuselage never did quite match up so a wee bit of filler will be used.

Thanks guys. Surprised the hell out of me Andy but it only took 2 tries per clamp. Well it's that time again, sitting in camp now. 7 days worked since Aug. 01, I think I could get used to retirement; I'll have to talk to my financial planner again.
Definitely both are needed. There was a rather infamous study by the US social security administration that showed a scarily large percentage of retiree's died within a year of retirement. Multiple causes, but the majority that died were at "loose ends" and seemed not have a hobby or outside interest to keep their mind and body occupied.

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